

Chaunty Spillane was born Chauntel Spillane on February 14th, 1989 on Valentine's Day. She was born in Boston, MA to Deborah and Jeffrey Spillane. Chaunty is an American actress and there is a lipstick named after her called "Chaunty". Spillane has been acting, modeling, singing, dancing, cooking, entertaining family members with plays, hair shows and from ages 6-13 and 16 to present (The Chaunty Show). In high school, Spillane was on The National Honor Society, Westfield Chapter for two years graduating with such honors including her involvement in theatre and mini-career as an awarded playwright. Chaunty graduated with her severely disabled sister and wheeled her to up receive their diplomas together. Spillane remained a high honors student while attending Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, FL and Providence, RI forfeiting her full-ride to UMASS Amherst for four years. Knowing in her gut that her life had to be taken out of the long, dreary hours of being in the kitchen, Chau

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