

Dilyan Kalchev was born 30th of June 1996. He is the son of a well-known Bulgarian psychologist mother. At an early age he started practicing sports such as: football, water polo, skiing and many more. He used to ride skateboard as teenage winning few youth competitions. His love for acting started after watching a million times the movie "Power Rangers Mighty Force". After learning the whole script just by watching and playing alongside the actors, at that time, his dream was destined. 3 years later he joins the theater academy of the Bulgarian professional actor and voice-actor Petar Varbanov. During his studies he performed acts such as: "Anthony and Cleopatra" and "King Richard III" by William Shakespeare, "Camino Real" by Tennessee Williams and "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck in a theater for amateurs. With the role of "Curly" in "Of Mice and Men" the acting troupe won the prize for "Best Performance". In 2014 he signed a contract with the best model agency in Bulgaria "Ivet

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