

Travis is a Houston born, an extrovert, and he took his first acting class at the age of 36. Travis has studied the craft of acting with both Gary Chason (The Last Picture Show, Paper Moon) and Cathryn Hartt (Future World). Three months after his first acting class, he won his first award (Best Actor) for the short film, The Upskirt Shot. Two weeks later, Travis found himself on the newly relaunched Dallas TV series performing with Larry Hagman. As a result of Mr. Hagman's untimely passing, Travis' scenes were never used; Travis still considers it quite a honor to have had the opportunity to work with the TV icon. In 2013, Travis started auto racing, and continued to race for four seasons. He raced in SCCA, Chump, and Lemons endurance racing. As a life long movie/TV geek, he named his racing team NO MA'AM, after the TV show "Married with Children". Travis won exactly one race; Al Bundy would have been proud. In 2013 Travis was cast in his first TV pilot episode. Travis worked alongside

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