

Wojciech Fry-Lewis, Polish/American Actor and Filmmaker who has been based in the U.S. Wojciech has performed in films, theater productions, musicals, and voice-overs. Perhaps it all starts with his name: "Woj" means "warrior" and "ciech" stands for "joy." So there you have it: Wojciech is one happy warrior, possessed by working hard, maintaining a positive attitude and indulging his admitted weakness for New York cheesecake. In Poland, Wojciech earned a Business Degree at Cracow Business School and studied Acting at Warsaw Machulski Drama Studio. Later, departed Poland to study acting for 4 years at HB Studio in New York City with the renowned Austin Pendleton, Michael Beckett, Sam Groom and Eric Michael Gillett. Now, He is based in Los Angeles where he graduated from the International Academy of Film and Television and Herb Alpert Music Academy as well. He constantly continues to chase his dreams and simply just tries to be better.
