

Joshua R. Schafer was born on February 25, 1985 in Bridgeton, New Jersey. An only child, Josh grew up with a fierce love of VHS and a sharp imagination. His love for the analog would eventually lead to a partnership with fellow videovore Ted Gilbert. Together, they created Lunchmeat Magazine, a fanzine dedicated to the VHS format with emphasis on horror and science fiction. Since the inception of Lunchmeat Magazine, Josh has lent his talents to several projects including an appearance at the New York Museum of Arts and Design during their VHS retrospective, several interviews with the New York Times, the "VHS/VIP" exhibit at Baltimore's Artscape in 2012, and the 2013 documentary "Adjust Your Tracking." As of 2013, Josh resides in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania where he works tirelessly to make Lunchmeat Magazine the best it can be, and sweats a day job at Drexel University to bring home the bacon.
