

Join the chase! Get "CHASING PHIL: The Adventures of Two Undercover Agents with the World's Most Charming Con Man," by David Howard [Crown/Oct 2017]. A true crime drama, "Chasing Phil," is the story of FBI undercover agents, James J Wedick & Jack Brennan, infiltrating the world of Phil Kitzer, a globetrotting swindler, who fleeced millions, setting up "offshore" banks, selling "bogus" securities, and "laundering" money for Organized Crime [OC] figures in New York, including the Luchese, Genovese and Gambino crime families. Framed in exotic locales, "Chasing Phil" details the FBI's initial efforts to use sophisticated long-term undercover operations and White-Collar-Crime [WCC] violations to investigate/prosecute OC figures. Code named, "OPFOPEN [an acronym for Operation Fountain Pen], Major Case #1," circa 1976-78, the investigation targeted OC figures in the US and Europe, and members of Geneva, Switzerland's famed financial underworld using FBI undercover agents. CHASING PHIL also

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