Lorena Fernández_peliplat

Lorena Fernández

Director | Creation | Actress
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Lorena Fernandez is a Spanish actress, art historian, and dancer. As an actress, she has won several International Film Awards and has been nominated in Independent Film Festivals in Spain, India, Santa Fe, New York and Los Angeles. Lorena Fernandez Carrillo left her hometown in Southern Spain to come to the United States. In Santa Fe, NM, she directed and starred in her short film ¨Dance of the Books¨. She has also appeared in films such as ¨Odd Thomas¨ and in several series like ¨Breaking Bad¨, ¨Better call Saul¨ and "This is us". Lorena has been based in Los Angeles since 2019.

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