Elijah Everett_peliplat

Elijah Everett

Actor | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Standing at 6'6 Elijah "Eli" Everett is an Actor and a native of Philadelphia, PA. His Presidential impressions of President Barack O' Bama has been heard on numerous radio markets such as ClearChannel and iHeart Radio. So ambitious to sharpen his skills, Eli would travel every weekend for months from Atlanta to Los Angeles for acting classes at Ivana Chubbacks school while also auditioning in three different markets during a 60+ hour work week. " My biggest high thus far was playing a role where it allowed me to emotional side through vulnerability. Barry Jenkins looked me in the eye on a couple occasions saying he's proud of me and that I'm now family. That almost made me cry, to see the hard work paying off. It meant a lot to me especially acting for a director I respect so much. " Future work can only get brighter. When Eli is not filming or doing impersonations, he enjoys making music and running games of basketball.

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