

Dustin Knouse is an Actor, Writer, and Entertainer with nearly twenty years of experience in the industry. He started in the entertainment industry at the age of 8, when we attended an open audition for the company Show Biz Kidz. Dustin stood in line for hours with a fever. When his parents tried to convince him to go home and rest, he refused as he wanted a chance to prove his dream could come true. Finally, Dustin stood on stage in front of the crowd and gave his one line "Nike, just do it," with pride and commitment. Eight children were chosen to be represented that day. Only three of them boys, and Dustin was one. Dustin had made commercials and done extra work in films before he made it to High School, where he attended the Las Vegas Academy for performing arts as a theater major, with a minor in technical theater. While attending the Las Vegas Academy, Dustin continued performing both in and out of school. He was the first student to be cast in the City of Henderson's Shakespea

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