

Julianna Zobrist possesses a religious pedigree that many might consider charmed. As the daughter of a pastor, she hailed from the dead center of American Evangelicalism. Naturally attuned to its subculture and fluent in its nomenclature, she emerged as a Christian pop star, sought-after speaker, and best-selling author. Her influence within this world was apparently without limit. That is until she discovered its boundary within her own convictions and by the eye-opening awareness of its numerous inherent injustices towards other human beings. Inevitably, writers come to believe what they compose. As Julianna Zobrist crafted the manuscript of her book, "Pull it Off," she was also coming face to face with latent contradictions within her beloved church. Traveling the nation on her book tour, the tapestry of her previously naive faith began to pull apart. It was here she grieved the church's historical mistreatment of entire groups and classes of people. Eventually, Julianna fell vi

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