

Mark K. Updegrove is a presidential historian and author. He currently serves as the president and CEO of the LBJ Foundation. Earlier in his career, Updegrove was the director of the LBJ Presidential Library and publisher of Newsweek. He has written for The Daily Beast, The Hill, The Nation, National Geographic, The New York Times, Parade, Politico, Texas Monthly, Time, and USA Today. He has interviewed seven US presidents. Updegrove is also the author of five books on the presidency, including Second Acts: Presidential Lives and Legacies After the White House, Baptism by Fire: Eight Presidents Who Took Office During Times of Crisis, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency, The Last Republicans: Inside the Extraordinary Relationship Between George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and, most recently, Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. His books have been excerpted in American Heritage, Parade, Politico,and Texas Monthly.
