

Los Angeles award winning actor Kriz H. Harriz is a French national that was born in Germany into a multi-lingual academic family which loved the fine arts such as music,drama and paining. This molded Kriz with a deep and fond love as well as understanding of the arts. His father being Dr. Gerard Henri a reputed lecturer for Philosophy and Information Technology, ensured that Kriz's childhood was filled with a broad exposure to languages , literature and various forms of art & culture. From small age Kriz found a home in the magic world of cinema, and he knew that some day he too would stand in front of the camera, which happened for the 1st time at the age of 14 before he took up a serious career and the artist alias "Kriz H Harriz". After studies, and working outside of the industry as a Consultant , Manager, and Creative Director, Kriz found himself in South Asia, where he discovered a niche market for himself. Living between Los Angeles, Colombo and Paris for many years Kriz h

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