

Shaun Mazzocca was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario. He took to the stage at an early age in a local stage production of Oliver! Shaun continued to perform on the stage throughout his childhood and teenage years, as well as becoming involved in various film projects and music videos, often with Mimetic Productions and being directed by friend and local filmmaker Gavin Michael Booth. Shaun excelled in athletics as a young adult, namely in football. Shaun played for three seasons as a linebacker for local semi-pro team the Windsor AKO Fratmen. Upon graduating from the University of Windsor with a BA in Honours Psychology, Shaun moved to Toronto, Ontario to pursue his true passion of film acting and training at institutions such as the Second City. Shaun Mazzocca has since appeared in a principal role in the Space Channel/Syfy Channel hit TV show, "Paranormal Witness" in an episode that examines the controversial incident at Rendlesham Forest - (S3E20 "The Rendlesham Files) (2013), as

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