

Lisa Leyva was born November 5. She is a third generation Mexican-American and native Texan. Lisa was extremely close to her maternal grandparents as a young girl. The loss of her grandfather at age 10, had a huge impact on her, making her bond with her grandmother even stronger. Lisa credits her grandmother with her success and drive, because she always made her feel unique and special, giving her an incredible confidence that would be tested, but always prevail. In honor and memory of her grandmother, she uses her family name, Leyva, professionally. Arriving in Los Angeles to a new career as a producer and forming her production company, MIGLEX Films, Lisa needed a new start. The loss of her grandmother, although, a few years earlier, still remained difficult. She was eager to make her proud and prove she was not wrong about her belief in her throughout her life. It was a challenge entering the industry as an "outsider", not coming up the traditional ranks, through film school and in

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