

Cheyanna is known for her work on "General Hospital" (1963), Love at the Christmas Table (2012) (TV), The Equation of Life (2013), Last Chance (2012/IV) and Iceberg (2011/I) She was only two years old when she was singing and dancing in her home on the Central Coast of California. She performed at age four in her first dance recital doing five dance numbers after only three months of dance classes, but it seemed acting was her passion. It was the beginning of others noticing something special about her, and they kept telling her mother "you need to get her into acting classes"! Their persistence won and her mother called the local acting teacher, Aaron Metchik. Cheyanna's mother asked if she could join his youth class at only 4 ½ years (youth class was 8-11 years) he said Cheyanna was young, but agreed to meet her. Cheyanna's personality and acting potential immediately landed her a spot in the class. As she advanced in the class, so did her opportunities and she always seemed to make

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