

Actor Eduardo Navas was born on June 15, in Valencia, Venezuela. He studied at the elementary Eduardo Viso School, where he did his first scenic work. In 1988, Eduardo shared the Stage in "Life, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ," at the theater of the Church of San Pancracio Martir. He is also co-founder of the High school's "Andres Bello" theatre group, which participated in the Fourth Annual School District Theatre Festival. In 1990 He joined the Harlequin Theatre. During that time, He also participated in the famous Theatre Festival in Cesar, Colombia, with "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." Throughout his artistic career, performing in different theatrical roles, like "Bolivar y sus sueños de Independencia" (Bolivar and His Independence's Dreams"), among others. In 1995, he graduated from the Music Institute Valencia (TMV). And He studied acting at the Taller del Método (Method Acting Studio, Venezuela). Then he founded the "Scaramouche's Theatre," a company dedicated to teaching child

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