

Lee Craven was born in Hampshire, United Kingdom. For the first five years they were living in a tower block on the South coast. Lees parents brought him and his younger brother up with respect and discipline. Later they moved to a council estate and Lee went to the local infant school and middle school to finally secondary school. Throughout these childhood years Lee was a bright child with a creative mind and while visiting his grandparents at weekends he spent his time making things and tinkering in the garage with his granddad. Lee's parents divorced when he was five which was a difficult time and it was down to his mother to bring the children up on her own. Without his father around Lee became a terror from hell "uncontrollable" and in time moved to his father's home but with continued trouble went back and forth between his parent's homes. Lee was a short boy at the age of twelve and on occasion he was picked on and bullied but he kept it to himself and finally spoke out after

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