

Josh Allen was born in Fontana, California. After finishing high school he often wondered what he was going to do. With long hair and sporting a goatee, he went to work as a forklift operator in a warehouse. Soon after, he wanted to move up in the company and cut his hair and shaved his face. People began to suggest he go into modeling and acting. After a brief stint in the industry in the late 1990's, he wanted an education and went back to school where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science. He quickly realized the isolation of the computer industry was not his style and had not forgotten about his desire for acting. While studying acting part-time in 2002, he went back to school and received a Master's degree in Education and began teaching high school in the Los Angeles area. Still wanting more out of life he began meditation and energy work with friend Dino Morra. After leaving the teaching industry for good in 2008, he was introduced to Paul G. Gleason of th

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