

Born in the United States, Doug has lived in twelve countries on three continents for almost three decades. He has explored the pyramids in Egypt, spent time in Rome's maximum security prison, savored the libertine culture of Denmark, bar hopped down Hooker Hill in Seoul, unearthed ancient Roman ruins in Israel, climbed the pyramids of Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, wandered the Great Wall in China, sailed the Fjords of Norway, scaled the Eiffel Tower in Paris, trekked Alpine peaks in Switzerland and Austria, hiked Hadrian's Wall in northern England, and witnessed cows being ritualistically slaughtered behind the Süleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, the streets running red with their blood. These and many other acts of wild abandon is the grist for the mill of his script writing. With ideas that vary from an action film set in 1970s Rome ("Three Days of the Condor" meets "All the Money in the World" in an alley with "Jason Bourne"), to a time travel TV series ("Outlander" copulates with "A C

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