

keyvan Beygi is an Iranian singer and composer. He was born on March 27, 2004 in Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province. He learned music at the age of 14. His first work, "the ghosts of the house", was released on 12/09/2020 on Spotify and other music streaming platforms. The style of this music is rock and received the most feedback on Spotify. keyvan beygi's second single "Warrior" was released on October 22, 2020. The style of this music is pop-rock and it received very good and positive comments. In early 2021, on January 21, keyvan beygi's first official album, "Darkness", was released. This EP album had five songs that included different styles such as rock, hip hop, dub stop, orchestral, etc. keyvan beygi's third single called "new century" was released on March 28, 2021, the birthday of this artist, on all music platforms in the world. The new century is the best work of keyvan beygi so far. keyvan beygi is working on his new album called "17", which will be ready for release later t

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