

Malachy Fergus Godfrey was born on 01/19/1972 in Ashford, Middlesex, England. Due to several moves of home as a child, he bounced around several schools in Ashford, Osterley and Isleworth. However, he finalized his secondary education at Sunbury Manor School. During this time, he assisted with sound and lighting for several small school productions and sporting events. Following secondary school, he enrolled at Spelthorne College where he obtained A Levels in Physics, Computing, Mathematics and Design Technology. Always having a strong interest in sci-fi and robotics, his final Design Technology project was a gold colored robot dog that he named "K-10" in tribute to the Tom Baker years of the TV show "Doctor Who". Sadly, no space lasers were present in the final design. During the same time period, Malachy also worked part time as a lighting operator at the Queens's Theater in London's West End. Notable productions worked on were "Phantom of the Opera", "Macbeth" and "Little Shop of

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