Michaela Shuttleworth_peliplat

Michaela Shuttleworth

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Michaela has been known to lead quite a sporadic lifestyle over the years. That's how she likes it, different, exciting, challenging, but most importantly, not predictable, or boring. After moving from South Africa in 2008, Michaela began studying Psychology (2015) and Marine Science (2016-19) at the University of Queensland. Not quite enthralled Michaela began her journey with the stunt academy in 2019. It was there Stuntsman Colin Handley had stated "you are never going to be a stunt double... No, you'll be an actress who does her own stunts." Come 2020 Michaela had featured in multiple national and international TV series, and short films. Michaela's most recent escapades include "Bliss of Evil" (2022) where she plays out-going "Jamie", "The Cleansing" (2022) where she plays the cruel "Mouthless", and "Elvis" (2022) directed by Baz Luhrman.

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