

Austin Ayers, born May 29, 1998, was born in Butler, Pa. to the late Ronald Louis Ayers, Jr. and Terri Lynn (Twentier) Ayers. While growing up through elementary school, Austin portrayed to be a regular news anchor at Evans City Elementary School for his 6th-grade history class. Austin would report on the latest news topics weekly. Throughout elementary school, Austin was in several plays and chorus concerts. In middle school, Austin in several skits during the theater class he attended. Frequently, Austin would either be on-stage or managing sound equipment for spectator interaction. In addition to the theater class, Austin took acting classes and assisted in script-writing and story-boarding for production. Austin went on to take part in nearly every film class offered by his school at Seneca Valley High School, where he partook in film history, film management and production, broadcast, journalism, and school sports/events managing the controls of the live broadcast for the local

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