Mikayla Lashae Bartholomew_peliplat

Mikayla Lashae Bartholomew

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Mikayla (pronounced mai/kay/luh) is an American actress and activist native to San Diego but raised almost her entire life in Norfolk, Virginia by two United States Navy veterans. Known for her work in theatre, television and now, film, she began her career hoping to change the landscape of Black femme representation in media. A love of theatre has kept her based in NYC, working both within the Broadway, Off-Broadway and regional circuit at theatres such as the noted Signature Theatre, the National Black Theatre, Maltz Jupiter Theatre and more. Additionally, she's kept her feet planted in the community by working as a facilitator and core member of the Broadway Advocacy Coalition. Launching forums such as Broadway for Black Lives Matter... Again, The Miseducation, and And Still I Write: A Workshop Dedicated to Black Girls, Mikayla has found the fight to dismantle racism an integral part of her career and life. Mikayla likes to think "you aren't often repeatedly led into spaces you aren't meant to serve in some way" and she only hopes to serve this world in a way that will make it better for the generations to come, even if it means not seeing the fruits of the labor of many. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance with studied minors in pre-nursing and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University.

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