

Betty - Elizabeth Danielyan was born on March 7, 2003. She has been attending the State Choreographic School since the age of 4 and simultaneously attended college. She attended School N.8 named after A.Pushkin. She was admitted to the State Song Theatre when she was 6 years old. Elizabeth attended professional singing classes. Simultaneously, Elizabeth attended the National Aesthetical Center. She studied embroidery, origami and drawing and pottery. Elizabeth is fluent in four languages, English, Spanish, Russian and Armenian, and is studying Chinese. Betty is an author of many songs and poems; she has also been attending ballet, vocal classes, guitar lessons, and now leans percussion instruments. When she was 7 she recorded the duet "Dance Mix". Her first individual video clip was shot on the base of song "The importance is being lightful". Since 2012 and for many years Betty has been working for the leading TV Companies of Armenia, as well as on Armenian Public TV as a host. She h

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