

Boma Akpore, an only child, was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. He grew up playing soccer, hoping to play pro some day. In 2003, he was scouted by his childhood best friend's older brother, Ola Olowu , who worked for TBWA, a well known advertising agency in Nigeria. Boma was chosen for a campaign with MTN, one of Africa's largest Telecommunication networks. He took part in Nigerian Fashion Week 2004, one of the most prestigious shows held in the country. Boma was the youngest model to grace that runway. He immediately became sought after and went on to model for top designers as JD 7, Adedakare Couture and House of Bunor, and brands such as Heineken and Guinness. In October 2008, Boma traveled to London to represent West Africa (as the only male model) for the "Music on The Runway Charity Fashion Show." In February 2010 he traveled to Dallas to represent Africa (again as the only male model) for "Haute African Fashion Week (Charity event to raise money for malaria)." Boma relocated

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