The Million Dollar Mermaid_peliplat

The Million Dollar Mermaid

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This title has not premiered yet

She was raped at thirteen! Her first husband threatened her with a knife if she made movies! Yet she prevailed! She's an AMERICAN CHAMPION! She was the biggest name at the biggest studio in Hollywood. She was MGM's "golden girl". Under contract for nearly two decades, it was her movie spectaculars that kept the great MGM "dream factory" solvent. And she made twenty-six of them! She was the girl of your dreams, the girl next door, the girl who had everything. She was the most brilliant of Hollywood icons. She IS... ESTHER WILLIAMS! She was a national swim champion at seventeen! She set world speed records! She was the star of Billy Rose's internationally famous World's Fair "Aquacade" with Johnny Weissmueller, Hollywood's "Tarzan". Yet her fame couldn't keep Johnny from tearing off his loin cloth faster than he swam to his Olympic records! She brought the talent and determination of a champion to the pools and the stages oEsther-Williams-in-Millio-009f MGM for all the world's audiences to see. As exciting as the MGM public relations team made her appear to an adoring public, her private life was intensely more fascinating. She was a woman who loved what she was doing and loved who she was doing it with! THE MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID is the story of a woman fighting to succeed in a world where the odds were stacked against her, the story of a winner who is willing to pay the price to cross that finish line first!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Million Dollar Mermaid
(Original title)
The Million Dollar Mermaid
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes