Realistic and rather infrequent violence. There are a number of killings. No gore, just a lot of blood when people get shot. Although the violence is infrequent, it can still be pretty brutal because of how realistic it is.
A couple of cars are blown up throughout.
A man is beaten up at a grocery store, he gets battered through a door and his hand is stomped on several times. Lots of screaming and crunching noises. Pretty brutal.
A man is strangled, and then his body is then thrown into a tree shredder, lots of blood and gore is shown spraying from the shredder. This is the bloodiest scene in the film.
Two soldiers are forced to dig their own graves. They beg for their lives and then are executed. Blood sprays out when they are shot.
A man is shot two times in the head, blood sprays onto the wall and blood pools beneath his head. A photograph of his dead body is shown in the news paper.
A man is shot in the head and face, lots of blood spurts out and this scene is shown in slow motion, with the blood spraying out in slow motion.
A man enters a restaurant and shoots two men seated at a table with women and children (blood sprays out); one man limps toward the door and out to the sidewalk where he is shot two more times (blood sprays from his back) and he lies dead on the ground.
A man is tackled to ground and beaten about the face. This happens twice, one time in prison, the other in a restaurant.
A character is shot in the face, he is then shot three more times. Blood splatters on a window, and blood pools beneath his head. A close up of his face is seen for a long time. There are graphic bullet holes in his face and blood is leaking out of the holes and his mouth.
Two hitmen walk into a barber shop and shoot a man to death offscreen. The bloody dead body is later seen in the papers
A man slices a chickens throat with a razor, blood sprays onto the man's face.