There is an animated segment where multiple people are killed. There is some animated blood, not too much.
The bride rips out a man's eye with her fingers, but quick and it's in black and white.
The violence in this movie is cartoonish.
The bride hits a person with a floorboard.
The aftermath of a massacre/fight is seen, some blood.
A woman stabs a man in the stomach.
A woman decapitates a man onscreen. A little bloodspray, but it's quick.
The Bride kills a woman by throwing a knife into her chest. She then pulls it out and wipes the blood off. This isnt that graphic and only a small amount of blood is shown.
Before the major fight, the Bride kills other guys with her swords.
The Bride kills a man by slamming two doors to crush his head. The impact isnt shown.
The Bride bites on a mans tongue. Not bloody.
Not very graphic.
A woman's arm gets cut off. Not dwelt upon and quick.
Pretty violent throughout but it's cartoonish and comedic, not really bloody.
This is violent, but not too graphic.
Most of the blood is meant to look fake and make the film comedic.
Some blood in certain scenes.
Though the movie is violent and extremely bloody, it is not graphic at all, and the blood is purposely very fake looking.
Strong bloody violence.
In the biggest fight scene, numerous bad guys are hacked up left and right. This scene is in black and white, and no blood.