Wistful Pieces_peliplat

Wistful Pieces (2021)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Ellany Kincross

Nadia and Nick Palladini are a married couple in their 40's . They are successful, happy and in love. The receipt of a letter from Adam, Nadia's first love with the request to help him regain lost memories opens the door to healing the past hurt between them. Nadia declines his offer to get together . Adam decides to confront Nadia at her home. While he is appealing to her, he becomes frustrated and grabs Nadia by the arm. Nick arrives and warns Adam to leave or he'll call the police. Adam leaves reluctantly. Within a few hours, Nadia begins to faint and is unable to sleep or eat. Nick tells Nadia that they are unable to get the restraining order on Adam and the PI he hired to find Adam has advise him that Adam passed away prior to his arrival at their house. Nadia and Nick are confused as to who they could have spoken to and don't realize that Adam appeared to them as a ghost. After a second fainting spell at her office, Nadia and Nick argue. Nadia tries to convince him that something is wrong with her. Conventional medicine says she is stressed out. Nadia seeks out an alternative theory and announces they need to go to a psychic medium to resolve the issue. Nick finds this whole topic funny as they are not people 'who believe in this type of thing'. Nick and Nadia travel to meet Adina, the psychic medium. She brings in Adam's spirit and reveals that Adam knew he was going to die, but wanted to rectify the lies he told Nadia. Adina encourages Nadia to forgive Adam. Nadia agrees and she is able to be freed from Adam's spirit.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(New York City, New York)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Wistful Pieces
(Original title)
Wistful Pieces
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes