
Plantão Cinéfilo's review about Vikings(2013)

Plantão Cinéfilo_peliplat

Plantão Cinéfilo

Rating 8

13:09 28 September, 2021

SpoilersElectrifying.Jam-packed with action from the get, Vikings was an amazing undertaking by all involved. It kept its levels of acting, aesthetics and performance extremely high from the get-go and throughout. Though the writing may have gotten a little lost in the sauce at some points, the action and what felt to me, a dummy in the subject, as stylish historical accuracy made up for that, and then some. Character development was all right, and it packed impressive punches everywhere it seemed it intended to, so overall, a win for me.

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The show is amazing despite its simplistic approach to storytelling. The story structure is pretty straightforward, but the main plot, even though concise, does a great job portraying the historical and geographical settings and the characters' traits. It's just so captivating. I really dig the leading lady's look. After finishing the finale of the sixth season, what I miss the most are the storylines of Ragnar and the first and second seasons. Looking back, that's when I realized how great the series is.
The music is absolutely phenomenal. And those visual effects totally capture that Nordic vibe spot on. Now, the first few episodes of this series? They're like a crash course on Viking life, delving deep into their customs, beliefs, laws—you name it. The writers didn't hold back, weaving significant historical events and backgrounds right into the main characters' stories. Sure, if you're all about the nitty-gritty historical accuracy, there might be a few liberties taken here and there. But if you're willing to see it as more of a grand overview, a legendary tale of sorts, it's seriously impressive. And can we talk about the leading lady? She's an absolute knockout. And don't even get me started on those Viking dudes and their epic hair and beard styles—absolutely iconic.
Apaixonada por vikings.Estou morrendo de vontade de ver o spin-off dos homens mais viris do mundo. Eu amo todo mundo.
Excelente produção.Merece a fama que tem. Boa produção, personagens, história. Amarra bem uma temporada na outra. Vale acompanhar.
Vi..cío total.FÃ incondicional dessa série, quase morri quando fizeram aquele "hiato" lá pro final querendo saber o que acontecia com o Bjorn e não superei o destino da minha heroína. Mas como disse, incondicional, uma produção fantástica do começo ao fim, nunca caiu de nível, nunca decepcionou em nenhum momento ou aspecto. Super recomendo.
Se não fosse esse detalhe....Tenho um certo bloqueio para ver porque acho o protagonista a cara do Neymar. Um Neymar nórdico. Até o sorrisinho debochado. Me irrita.
Extremamente bem feita.Boa série. Uma reinvenção muito bem sucedida do History Channel. Tem temas históricos infinitos para explorar. Precisa de roteiro e um grau de dramatização, lógico, mas podiam produzir mais nessa mesam temática do History Channel.
¡Bjorn es el mejor!.Lo que más me fascina de esta historia es el hecho de que un granjero se convirtió en conde y luego se convirtió en rey, pero ni siquiera quería el trono en primer lugar, solo quería viajar al oeste. Todo eso lo convirtió en la persona más influyente de su generación, y su hijo, que ni siquiera quería el título, se convirtió en el que unió a toda Noruega... ¡Aplausos para los escritores!