

Rich Manley was born June 16th, 1986 in Concord Massachusetts and was raised in Stow, MA. As a youth, Rich was quiet and artistic, and loved to write. However, he also had quite the dramatic and adventurous side, always dressing up and "creating" characters and situations, along with headaches, around the house. At the age of thirteen, Rich started training in Kenpo Karate and received his Black Belt in four years, along with teaching status, at his local school. After his initial exposure to martial arts through action flicks, he developed a strong drive to entertain and perform his skills for the public. Rich traveled to New York City to train in the styles of Wing Chun Kung Fu, Shaolin Kung Fu, and a variety of weapons work under the tutelage of the Shaolin Monks. Rich was hungry to be the best he could be and test the spirit and limits of his own body, a philosophy he has adopted from his studies of Buddhist, Eastern, and Western Philosophy. He received a black belt in both styles

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