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1754. Henry "Walks With Fire", a half Mohegan tribal member, is living in a small village near Shantok, by the Thames River in Connecticut. The French and Indian War wrecks havoc on his village. During an attack, a British Cavalry garrison, led by Captain John Burgo, burns the village to the ground. Henry and his Sachem, "Peace Chief", escape, but Henry's mother does not. Wanting revenge, Henry is urged by his Sachem to keep peace and remain neutral. Heeding his Sachems advice, Henry travels to Massachusetts. He becomes a fur trader and guide/tracker in the Northeastern wilderness to Colonists in Stockbridge. He starts a new life finding a wife and starting a family. 1775. The onset of the American Revolution places the Colonies in complete disarray. Henry overhears that a British operation is underway to unite the Iroquois nation under the British Army. His family is brutally attacked and murdered while traveling along a British cavalry route. Henry, seeking revenge, commissions the local Algonquin natives and white settlers in Stockbridge to take up arms. Henry trains the militia in the martial ways of the Mohegan Tribe and educates them in the skills of tracking and hunting. They become guerrilla war fighters, ghosts and shadows of the Northeastern wilderness. Led by Henry, this troop of Natives and colonists fight against the British who are trying to disrupt the peace among Iroquois and other tribes. Henry faces a dark truth. He discovers that the British agent tasked with causing upheaval in the Iroquois Confederacy and manipulating them to fight on the British side, is none other than his father, estranged at birth, John Burgo. Henry must find a way to defeat John and honor the Mohegan Tribe. He must confront the truth that it was his father John and his British agents who had been behind all of the atrocities set forth against his people, in a master plan to discredit the colonists in the Natives eyes and cause internal turmoil within the Iroquois Confederacy. A new kind of war has begun and allegiances must be drawn. Perhaps the only hope at uniting the colonists with the Native nation lies in the small group of shadow warriors in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes