The Cinematographer_peliplat
The Cinematographer_peliplat

The Cinematographer (1969)

None | USA | English | 17 min
Directed by: Bruce Seth Green

Surveys the role of the cinematographer from the earliest days of filmmaking to the present. Views the cinematographer as an artist, sensitive to tone and movement, as a highly skilled technician, understanding optics and electronics, and, most important, as a director, proficient in orchestrating the talents of persons responsible to him. Featuring cinematographer Enzo A. Martinelli, whose job it is to interpret the film story photographically and bring a motion picture to life. The film shows how every facet of the operation is handled, how decisions are taken and the work which influences the mood and impact of a picture. The viewer learns about visual styles and techniques which make creative editing possible.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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