The Sopranos_peliplat
The Sopranos_peliplat
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The Sopranos (1999)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Timothy Van Patten, Allen Coulter, Alan Taylor, Henry Bronchtein, Jack Bender

Very few series have left such a strong mark on the television industry as this one, which inaugurated the so-called "golden period" of series, due to the seriousness of its approach, the complexity of its characters, its evolution and its narrative and acting level. Multi-awarded and acclaimed, the series revolves around Tony Soprano, a mafia boss operating in New Jersey who, due to the challenges of his task, begins to see a psychiatrist. The power struggles within his organisation and threats from outside are mixed with his strained relationships with his family and children. James Gandolfini's iconic performance, along with his humour and brilliant scripts, established it as one of the best series in television history.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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