Sweet Combat_peliplat
Sweet Combat_peliplat

Sweet Combat (2018)

TV-14 (US) | China, South Korea | Chinese, Mandarin | 45 min

Ming Tian (Lu Han, EXO, The Witness) didn't grow up with much. He has always had to work several jobs to support himself and has been in more than a few street fights. Unable to afford school, he decides to enroll in Zheng Ze University on a sports scholarship. Unfortunately, Ming Tian has no athletic background. Fang Yu (Guan Xiao Tong, To Be a Better Man) is the heiress of a giant conglomerate. She doesn't care about taking over the family business or inheriting its wealth. Instead, she wants to build her future doing what she loves: sports. She enrolls in Zheng Ye University and quickly becomes the school boxing champion. When Fang Yu is tasked with teaching the inexperienced Ming Tian how to box, the two begin to develop feelings for each other. The thing is, they both know Fang Yu's family will never approve of their relationship. True love has never felt like such a punch to the heart. Sweet Combat is directed by Ke Han Chen. It aired in 2018.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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