
MuViFANTA's review about Shameless(2011)



Rating 4

13:33 07 February, 2022

Devia ter terminado.Essa série devia ter acabado há anos

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Let the farewell come slowly. As I watched the last episode, I couldn't help but think, "This is the last time they'll do these things." At the end, everyone celebrates Ian's wedding anniversary, then gathers around the bonfire to sing The Way We Get By, reminiscent of the first season. How many series can accompany you through several years of life? Shameless has left an indelible mark on my life. Farewell, Gallagher family! Let the farewell come slowly. As I watched the last episode, I couldn't help but think, "This is the last time they'll do these things." At the end, everyone celebrates Ian's wedding anniversary, then gathers around the bonfire to sing The Way We Get By, reminiscent of the first season. How many series can accompany you through several years of life? Shameless has left an indelible mark on my life. Farewell, Gallagher family!
This American series, which ranks second only to Friends in my mind, has come to an end. The timing of its conclusion was quite clever, coinciding with the exacerbation of wealth disparity due to the pandemic, leading to the lower class losing jobs and selling houses, each going their separate ways in the end. The main actors gave their all, portraying the struggles of the Gallagher family convincingly. Lip becomes increasingly emotional, often on the verge of collapse; Carl's acne never improves; Ian gains a belly; Debbie keeps gaining weight. Terry and Frank, the troublesome duo from the South Side, one dies at the hands of a nun, the other succumbs to dementia. Their final conversation on the stoop resembles that of Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng laughing to their deaths atop Mount Hua. I cherish this show because it gives me an incredible sense of security, as if it's saying, "Even if you fall this low, you can still survive like a cockroach."
Good chemistry between the cast and a lot of dark comedy present.
es buena....
excelente.muy bueno
Moralista.Às vezes fica muito moralista
Escolhas esquisitas.Os personagens fazem escolhas esquisitas mas eu quero saber como acaba
Desigualdade.Eu amo os assuntos que eles trazem. Desigualdade é um tema muito relevante