
Luciano Borinken's review about Pig(2021)

Luciano Borinken_peliplat

Luciano Borinken

Rating 3

10:07 27 December, 2022

What???.Vos me estás jodiendo?? Ese guión jajajaja

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In a recent interview, Nicolas Cage mentioned this as one of his favorite films that he's acted in. I can see why!
Ruim.Confuso, longo, e contemplativo demais. O ritmo é muito estranho, apesar de a fotografia ser linda. O Nicolas Cage parece que vai mandar bem, mas aí... É tão esquisito, que a gente perde o fio da meada e nem tem interesse de procurar. E quando mataram a porca??? Não acreditei.
Hermosa.Una hermosa película y el regreso de Nicholas Cage a las grandes ligas de la actuación. Un gran placer poder ver esta película.
Great story.Against all the odds, Pig is not a full of action movie about revenge. This is much simpler and deeper at the same time. At the end, it makes us rethink about our choices in life, mainly regarding the value of money.
Average.This is not as good as I expected. For sure, the low budget was the biggest loss, even though Nicolas Cage does a great job and Michael Sarnoski is very good directing his first movie.
All about Cage.Definitely Nicolas Cage best performance. I was already a fan of the man, but here we are talking about Oscar-winning material. I hope they give him the awards he deserves.
Intense.I was waiting for a great action movie, but that’s not what it is. It’s a movie about life that makes you think about your future. Nicolas Cage is awesome, by the way.
Suprising.Pig is a delightful surprise. Nicolas Cage shows how good an actor he is, he totally deserves an Oscar. Besides that, when the pig dies at the end, I felt devastated.