
MMdou's review about Top Gun: Maverick(2022)



Rating 8

15:38 19 January, 2023

Air Force and Tom Cruise Came Back.The movie is a standard Hollywood three-stage structure one, it is also a standard American military conscription propaganda movie. This is just an assembly line product created by a standard developed film industry, but the movie turned out to be the best in theaters in 2022!?

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The plot follows a conventional trajectory, and the initial bar scene, saturated with toxic masculinity, feels discomforting. Nevertheless, the fight scenes are remarkably clear, making it easy to follow. Watching the film feels akin to riding a roller coaster for an hour, intense and exhilarating. One can't help but crave to catch a glimpse behind the scenes to witness its creation.
The film employs a tried-and-true approach, yet the story that spans across 35 years still remains captivating. Whether capturing the youthful exuberance of yesteryears or present aspirations, the film navigates the reconciliation and succession between generations, alongside its clichéd yet effective romantic interludes. While one may nitpick its flaws, it undeniably holds viewers spellbound, exuding the classic Hollywood vibe throughout. Its emotive yet restrained execution firmly establishes it as one of the finest American mainstream films in recent years.
A high-flying adrenaline rush that combines heart-pounding aerial stunts with Tom Cruise's charismatic return. The soundtrack perfectly complements this exhilarating cinematic experience.
Bom filme.Bom filme, ótima atuação de Tom Cruise que salvou o filme porque os coadjuvantes foram bem fracos, à exceção de Val Kilmer que mesmo atuando em curtíssimo tempo foi muito bem como sempre (no momento em que o vi e que sorriu, me bateu uma saudade imensa dele, dos tempos do seu auge, saudade dos filmes e de suas atuações brilhantes, pena que neste não lhe deram espaço nem tempo de atuação). Destaque especial para a excelente trilha sonora de muito bom gosto.
..como assiste
a recruitment film.It is a movie that belongs to the 90s shot with the technology of 2022. It is a Standard U.S. military recruitment film.
Great.The typical plot, Typical handsome, Typical passionate, Typical sensational, Typical good-looking.
Impresionante Experiencia Cinematográfica.Una película que te hace preguntar ¿Cómo filmaron esto? unas 100 veces por lo menos mientras la estas mirando.