
dealmeidasilva's review about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1(2010)



Rating 8

15:24 03 March, 2023

Not bad.We have donated so much money for Harry Potter in a blink of an eye. As we grow up, the male and female protagonists are entangled. In the end, this episode has a good foundation and several thrilling climaxes, and I am fully looking forward to the last one next year.

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I love this one so much. I like that it was split into two parts because I think it's really worth it to see Harry and the whole army preparing for war, dealing with the trio's personal issues and all that. It reflects the book really well, and I think the trio reached their peak performance here.
This is the most emotionally rich film in the series. The franchise no longer focuses solely on showcasing magical special effects. In this installment, the director successfully balances storytelling, emotion, and visual effects, delivering a high-quality drama grounded by an emotional core. Some viewers may be disappointed due to misplaced expectations, but in my opinion, this is the best film so far, as it sticks most closely to the novel, flaws notwithstanding.
People unfamiliar with the books may be confused by the many characters' names. The tone gets increasingly dark, and the film is just one endless hunt. That being said, the pacing is controlled well, despite a slightly draggy middle section. The sporadic humor always manages to elicit laughter from the entire theater, especially Harry and Hermione's dance in the tent. On a side note, the shadow puppetry used to portray the Deathly Hallows fairy tale is particularly intriguing.
es la mejor película de todas.fran070401
Buenísima.Una primera parte poderosa, que aprovecha todo su tiempo para desarrollar su propio arco narrativo y de personajes.
Chapter 7.The first part of the finale is slower, because it’s basically the introduction of the epic final battle. Despite that, the movie is awesome, and it made me cry a lot when I had to say goodbye to Dobby.
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