
Julian David Arango Urrego's review about Spider-Man: No Way Home(2021)

Julian David Arango Urrego_peliplat

Julian David Arango Urrego

Rating 2

21:21 03 June, 2023

SpoilersRionegro clasificados.5637737

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A franquia prioriza interações realistas entre os personagens principais, repletas de diálogos humorísticos. Essa qualidade é mantida nesse filme, principalmente na primeira metade dele. Os efeitos especiais são consistentes com os filmes anteriores. No entanto, a última metade é emocionante e comovente, provavelmente fazendo os espectadores chorarem várias vezes. A narrativa, a atuação e o trabalho de voz podem tocar o coração do público, mesmo que o enredo seja imperfeito.
Talvez esse seja meu filme favorito da Marvel. O Homem-Aranha de Tom Holland passa por uma verdadeira transformação, marcando crescimento e maturidade. Ver três gerações do Homem-Aranha juntas é um momento nostálgico e emocionante para os fãs de longa data. Somente quem acompanhou todas as três versões pode apreciar plenamente a conclusão de negócios inacabados e a emoção de tanta luta.
This might be my favorite Marvel film. Tom Holland's Spider-Man undergoes a true transformation, marking his growth and maturity. Seeing three generations of Spider-Man together is a nostalgic, tear-jerking moment for long-time fans. Only those who have followed all three iterations can fully appreciate the completion of their unfinished business and the thrill of their united fight.
The series excels in the realistic interactions between the main characters, filled with humorous dialogues. This quality is maintained in this installment, especially in the first half. The special effects are consistent with previous films. However, the latter half is particularly tearjerking and heartwarming, likely to make viewers cry multiple times. The storytelling, acting, and voice work can touch the audience's hearts, even if the plot is imperfect.
Surpassing "Endgame", this movie moves beyond a database of memories and farewells. It returns superheroes to everyday life, reclaiming the comic essence of freedom and the boundlessness of worlds. The return of previous Spider-Men is not merely about healing past pains but about combining memories across generations, allowing audiences to reconcile with time and life. Peter, forgotten by all, embodies the idea that "with great power comes great responsibility". He still continues to silently protect the masses at the end. In this manner, the film's conclusion marks the true birth of "Spider-Man."
Spider-Man's classic mythos is making goodness out of mistakes, bearing burdens that are not his, and trying to save people. Hisrejection of selfish pragmatism is epitomized by the quote, "with great power comes great responsibility." After being Iron Man's protégé, Marvel's Spider-Man finally gets his own standalone film. The most emotional part is not the reunion of the three Spider-Men, but Peter losing everything and everyone dear to him. In that state, we see him in a shabby rental flat pursued by his landlord, responding to a simple police scanner, and jumping into action. Four years after "Spider-Man: Homecoming", we finally receive the most authentic Spider-Man story.
It effortlessly swings into a delightful blend of nostalgia, humor, and jaw-dropping action, delivering a web-slinging adventure that's a pure joyride for Spidey fans.