
Tusch74's review about Prison Break(2005)



Rating 9

18:24 24 January, 2024

I recently rewatched this show that I used to watch while staying up late in my college dorm many years ago, and it still captivated me. It got me thinking about the significance of sticking to your principles when government authority seems to interfere with justice and freedom. Yet, the show's intricate plot and the constant back-and-forths between characters, with unexpected twists, kept me on the edge of my seat. It's moments like these - indulging in a high-quality TV series, that make my life much more enjoyable.

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The plot is tight and very thrilling. Every episode keeps you on the edge of your seat, along with the protagonist's anxiety. The conflicts between prisoners and guards, among the prisoners, between ordinary people and authorities, and between various political parties are all exciting. Every character is strong; there's not a single weak link. The details, foreshadowing, and responses throughout are perfectly executed, showcasing a high level of writing!
I watched with my brothers when it came out, we were obsessed with it, during that good times when the TV was just one, and the schedule was not something you could control, and we had to watch stuff together. Great memory
The issue with shows with strong concepts is that once they've exhausted their concepts, the thrill starts to fade. It becomes less and less thrilling for the audience as it keeps rehashing the same old prison-breaking plot. I just finished the first episode of the final season, and the storyline seemed pretty mediocre, missing the surprises that used to grab my attention. Even with the entire cast coming back, it failed to reignite the excitement I originally had. Without fresh elements to keep the audience engaged, any sort of "comeback" just feels a bit lackluster.
This show was my absolute favorite when I was in college, and I can still feel the excitement I once had when the first season was released. The story was so gripping that it kept me on the edge of my seat, and my heart was pounding in my chest. I powered through the entire series. However, the more I watched, the more I found myself losing interest. I guess it eventually got way too drawn out for my taste.
[email protected]
Bom até ser vergonha alheia.Tem que saber a hora de parar, né? A primeira temporada é excelente. A segunda muito boa. Dai pra frente fica tão ruim que é constrangedor.
Excelente.¡No existen palabras para describir lo maravillosa que esta serie! Wentworth Miller hace un trabajo fantástico como Michael. No quería que se escapara para poder seguir viendo la serie.