
mastercinephille42's review about Pacific Rim(2013)



Rating 10

02:50 07 February, 2024

Big robot fight big monster. Me be happy, me want to be Jaeger pilot.

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Guillermo del Toro really nailed it with this film, capturing the essence of human nature in such a heartwarming way, even though it's all about machines and monsters. And let me tell you, Rinko Kikuchi steals the show in this movie. She's absolutely badass and brilliant when controlling those machines, but at the same time, she brings out her adorable side in everyday moments. It's the perfect embodiment of her character. The special effects are off the charts, too, perfectly bringing to life the world of Japanese monsters and robots. Overall, this is a blockbuster flick you shouldn't miss out on!
I get why there are movies that many people like, but I don't personally vibe with. But man, this movie just doesn't cut it for me. It's not good at all, you know? The storytelling drags on forever, the first hour is a total snoozefest, and the ending falls flat. Except for Ron Perlman’s character, the others are a total bore. Even though the special effects are eye-catching, they feel kinda childish and too straightforward. And don't even get me started on the action scenes—they lack that oomph, you know? I really had high hopes for this movie, and that is exactly why my disappointment is even more crushing.
El mecha occidental.Una película que toma inspiración del género japonés conocido como "mecha" y lo occidentaliza para crear uno de los blockbusters más ambiciosos de su tiempo. Ver combatir a estos titanes en un verdadero deleite visual.
The Western mecha.A film that is inspired by the Japanese genre known as “mecha” and is adapted to the Western culture to create one of the most ambitious blockbusters of its time. Watching these titans fight is a real visual delight.