
Angel_Gamble's review about The Favourite(2018)



Rating 8

15:59 05 April, 2024

Following Roma, The Favourite emerges as another must-see masterpiece from the 91st's Oscars, distinguished by its almost exclusive use of natural and ambient lighting. The film's eccentric style, playful narrative techniques, innovations in audio-visual language, and soundtracks are captivating, enriching the viewing experience with intrigue and enjoyment.

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The dance scene is the epitome of comedy. Lanthimos has a strangely relateable bizarre mind
Yorgos Lanthimos’latest film The Poor Thing received great acclaim at the Venice Film Festival. Unfortunately, I am far away from Venice and cannot watch it. Instead, I watched his past production called The Favourite from home. Fortunately, it is both interesting and thought-provoking for me. Lanthimos demonstrated his advanced cinematography techniques in this film. However, in this short review, I only intend to touch upon my thoughts on it. What I find interesting about the film is its use of natural lighting. The story is about the British royal family in the early 18th century, which is over 300 years ago. To some extent, the life of the royal family, especially that of Queen Anne, represents the highest quality of life of that time. It makes me wonder what life was like back then. Compared to artificial lighting, the unedited cinematography used in this film brings me closer to reality. While Queen Anne's clothing and accessories are indeed exquisite, it must have been an indescribably awful experience being tormented by illness in a dark and humid room. Seated in front of my computer in my air-conditioned office on a rainy day feeling cool and dry while sipping my delicious coffee, and writing film reviews on a comfortable ergonomic chair, I am reminded of how far we have come. I not only learn to appreciate the power of technology, but also realize that my current quality of life as an ordinary person surpasses that of the Queen 300 years ago. The portrayal of human evil in the film prompts me to reflect deeply. There are barely any conventionally defined kind souls in movies; everyone is pursuing their own goals by various means. For example, Abigail Masham (played by Emma Stone) strives to climb up the social ladder, while Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (played by Rachel Weisz), leverages her relationship with Queen Anne to gain significant political power. Queen Anne (played by Olivia Colman) is entirely self-centered and disregards her social responsibility. Other characters in the film also harbor their own dark thoughts. These evil human qualities, including the desire to climb up the social hierarchy, thirst for power, and jealousy, have persisted for millennia and will most probably prevail in the future. It is difficult for a movie to be both sophisticated and popular, but The Favourite is one of the few movies that can achieve this goal.
Yorgos Lanthimos meu pastor, nada me faltará.Sou suspeita pra falar porque sou uma grandessíssima fã tanto do Lanthimos, quanto da Olivia Colman, e combinar os dois, mais a Emma Stone e a Rachel Weisz em um só filme... O que dizer? Apenas assistir e sentir. Uma trama bem bolada, com a medida certa de bizarrice (menor até do que o normal na escala Yorgos Lanthimos) e história e em que cada performance brilhou exatamente como deveria, fora o design de produção, figurino e maquiagem, que são apenas impecáveis.
Delicously wicked.It is a visual spectacle. Yorgos Lanthimos brings out his best and puts his stamp on this story about a polyamorous trio that includes the Queen of England, her right hand and a maid. The imprint of the director overflows the film, the camera turns, the fish eye, the close-ups, the striking colors, the pertinent and excellent soundtrack play in favor of the audiovisual pleasure of this new work by Lanthimos. Also, the performances are dazzling, Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone and Olivia Colman show off and give it their all, demonstrating an acting passion that is appreciated. However, as Lanthimos is used to, the ending, although good, does not live up to the sublimity of the plot, it elevates, elevates, but does not deliver the expected coup de grace. Despite this, it is a film of excellence, and deserving of all the nominations and awards it has achieved.
Un drama cómico de época invaluable y divertido.Este drama cómico de época es un tesoro. Con una historia que presenta al poder monárquico como un capricho infantil para nada inocente hace que no te despegues ni un segundo de la pantalla, por su puesto el valor de esta cinta también la dan la gran actuación de sus personajes. Excelente película de Yorgos Lanthimos.
Intrigas palacianas.A corte do século XVIII da rainha Anne fornece o cenário para o absurdo humor ácido de Yorgos Lanthimos sobre lutas pelo poder e intrigas no palácio. Rachel Weisz e Emma Stone estão deliciosas como as duas cruéis favoritas da monarca, que tentam superar uma a outra a todo custo.
Um script maravilhoso.A história se passa no início do século XVIII, durante a Guerra da Sucessão Espanhola. Enquanto isso, duas mulheres são capazes de fazer tudo para ocupar o posto de "a favorita" ao lado da rainha Ana. Das 9 indicações ao Oscar, "A Favorita" venceu na categoria Melhor Atriz, premiando Olivia Colman.
Interessante.Um dos trabalhos mais humanos do diretor Yorgos Lanthimos, o filme pode não parecer tão impressionante para os que não prestam muita atenção em detalhes. Menção honrosa para os trabalhos excelentes de figurino e direção de arte.