
Choice909's review about Taxi Driver(1976)



Rating 9

16:05 24 March, 2021

The New York dirt.Robert De Niro gives one of his most introspective and terrifying performances in "Taxi Driver", a movie that delves into the dark side of the human mind.

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De Niro's performance is absolutely stellar, no question. What really resonates in the movie is its portrayal of the loneliness and uncertainty experienced by young people during that time period. Herrmann's saxophone score adds this eerie, almost surreal atmosphere to the film. As the protagonist navigates the city streets, you can't help but be drawn into his world, feeling the same sense of apprehension about the future. The "redemption" at the end isn't just ironic; it also underscores the resilience of human nature, shining a light on its enduring brilliance.
"Taxi Driver," from the 1970s, stands as a true timeless gem! Rarely do you find a movie that delves so deeply into its characters' psyche and emotions all at once. At its core, it's the tale of a man grappling with profound loneliness, desperately trying to connect with others. Yet, tragically, those he seeks to help often reject his efforts, adding to the poignancy of the narrative.
Perturbador, poderoso, relevante, importante.Um divisor de águas na carreira de Scorsese e De Niro e considerado um dos 100 maiores filmes da história do cinema americano pelo American Film Institute. Vencedor da Palma de Ouro em Cannes, "Taxi Driver" conta a história de Travis Bickle, um ex-fuzileiro da marinha americana solitário e deprimido, lidando com a vida pós-guerra. Tentando lidar com sua insônia, ele vira um motorista de táxi. O roteirista Paul Schrader e Scorsese admitiram que se inspiraram em "Notas do Subsolo", de Dostoievski, e isso fica claro na forma como Travis repudia a sociedade. Ao decorrer da trama, Travis se transforma com o intuito de fazer uma “faxina” e cometer um atentado contra um candidato a presidente, levando à icônica cena em que De Niro olha no espelho segurando uma arma e diz: “You talking to me?”. Um verdadeiro clássico.
La suciedad de New York.Robert De Niro da una de sus interpretaciones más introspectivas y aterradoras en "Taxi Driver", una película que no teme profundizar en el lado oscuro de la mente humana.
Nueva York y sus gentes.Conoce los efectos del insomnio en la psiquis de una persona en "Taxi Driver", una de las películas más icónicas de la industria y una de las actuaciones más memorables de Robert De Niro.
Nueva York and its people.Get to know the side effect of insomnia in "Taxi Driver", one of the most iconic movies in the industry as well as one of Robert De Niro’s most memorable performances.