
Plantão Cinéfilo's review about Person of Interest(2011)

Plantão Cinéfilo_peliplat

Plantão Cinéfilo

Rating 6

20:30 11 November, 2021

Cool enough, but not a stand-out.I mean, it's an enjoyable enough crime/thriller show with lots of action and shooting and an easy enough to follow storyline which always has that Americanized thing about its plot points inevitably striving really hard to leave you on the edge of your seat. Michael Emerson always delivers that one weirdly good performance that for some undefinable reason is at the right intersection of uncomfortable to watch and solid acting, so that's a plus, but that's still not enough to carry the whole show through and make it anything too fantastic.

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Except for the first episode, which was good, the subsequent episodes got increasingly boring. The formulaic nature of the procedural storytelling is just too deadly; I highly suspect that this show rode the wave of Snowden's popularity to skyrocket to a 9 rating. The male lead is handsome, but his protagonist halo is so blinding that it's almost dazzling me. Clearly, it's a story about AI surveillance, yet the protagonists act as if they're in a lawless land, except when they're cautiously highlighting this theme. Even the most criticized superheroes wear black-framed glasses, but the male lead of this show completely disregards any disguise, revealing his true identity throughout. And the story motivations lack persuasiveness; apart from being "Robin Hoods," I can't think of any other words to describe this dynamic duo. American individual heroism is epitomized in this series, which might have been very popular ten years ago, but in today's TV landscape, where shows are becoming less glamorous, it's difficult for it to shine its halo.
"I don't like killing, but I'm good at it." A pair of American "Robin Hoods," Finch and Reese, are all about justice, principles, warmth, and execution. Dancing wildly under the noses of a corrupt government, they protect the "meaningless" victims in their eyes, turning two cops around and helping Fusco find his way back to the right path. If there were real superheroes in this world, they might just be like them! One episode, one story, gradually reaching its peak.
Interessante.É uma série que vai crescendo, mas quando vc chega na complexidade das últimas temporadas, vc sente falta da simplicidade do começo. Bons tempos de Finch e Mr. Reese escondidos na biblioteca.
Adorei.Sabe aquela serie que vc pensa nossa devia ter conhecido antes? Essa é uma delas, amei adorei muito. Deixa a gente curiosa, é fácil se apegar aos personagens, e não achei tão parada não tem um bom andamento. E vamos para a segunda temporada maratonar.
Maçante.Muito boa, começa meio maçante com aqueles episódios de "Caso da semana", a maioria é boa, já outros são muito chatos(como o 5 o 16) e são encheção de linguiça. O Jim Caviezel no começo é meio estátua na atuação, mas com o tempo vai melhorando.
Bem amarrado.Roteiro bem amarrado, envolvente e empolgante. Excelente qualidade. Um pena ser pouco conhecida.
Gostei.Gostei demais dessa série. Mas a última temporada decepcionante. Final horrivel