
cdvallada's review about Frozen II(2019)



Rating 5

23:40 23 November, 2021

A Forma da Água (2017).Calma lá, Disney, aceito mergulhar nos seus mundos de fantasia, mas homeopatia já é demais.

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The first one was a masterpiece, and this one was good. While it doesn't quite measure up to the first in terms of significance and feels a bit too conservative and somewhat disappointing, it does step up in visuals, special effects, and entertainment value. The music is still great. Elsa and Anna continue to stand out as truly exemplary female characters on screen in this century. However, the male lead doesn't quite measure up to Olaf and Sven and fades into the background.
The visuals are still amazing, especially the scenes with Elsa on her adventure—they're truly breathtaking. The music, however, feels like a step back from the previous film, with fewer memorable songs. The story also takes a big step back, feeling more conservative than the first film. The biggest highlight of this movie, though, is that Elsa has a new look, which means there are new dresses to buy.
Frozen 123.família 123
Frozen 2.muito bom mesmo
Animações perfeitas.Indicado ao Oscar 2020 na categoria Melhor Canção Original por "Into The Unknown", "Frozen 2" teve um faturamento gigantesco - aliás, mais um dos Estúdios Disney. Três anos depois dos acontecimentos do primeiro filme, tudo parece bastante tranquilo, até que Elsa começa a ouvir um chamado vindo da floresta.
No tan icónica como la primera.Esta película superó la recaudación de taquilla de su predecesora, pero obtuvo críticas mixtas. A pesar de su gran éxito comercial, la película no consiguió la nominación a Mejor Película Animada en los premios Oscar.
Not as ironic as the first one.This movie exceeded the box office gross of its predecessor, but received mixed critics. Despite its great commercial success, the film was not nominated as Best Animated Feature at the Oscars.