
marryaccountant's review about The Theory of Everything(2014)



Rating 10

15:05 11 November, 2023

It's a movie, so it doesn't need to fully resemble reality. Even if we had Jane's biography as a reference, can we really say that we know exactly how they interacted with each other? All I want to say is that both the male and female protagonists did a fantastic job. Seeing Eddie's dedication in his performance made me grateful for my good health and the simple fact that I'm free to move around.

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They picked the best cast for the roles. Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones both delivered their best performances to date. Felicity's determined gaze in the show was particularly captivating. Because the film focuses on the love and private life of the great scientist, thus extensively employs both cool and warm soft lighting, shallow depth of field, ultra-fast lenses, and Super 8 lenses to replicate the right kind of vibe. It is a clever and fitting approach. Hawking is unfortunate to have suffered from such an illness, yet he is fortunate to have found someone like Jane Wilde. Here's to the strong and selfless women!
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La ciencia del universo.Eddie Redmayne da una de las actuaciones más importantes de su carrera en "La teoría del todo", una película que rinde homenaje a la vida y obra de Stephen Hawking a través de un trabajo técnicamente perfecto.